Chapter 11—Creating a Collaborative Network-an Evolution of Social Networking Extracted from the book “Vision – We are Re-Creating the World: A resource manual – “tool-box” – for revitalization and empowerment through grass-roots efforts and environmental awareness.”
Click the following link to download chapters of "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
There is a Vision - IAmSharing
I began to looking at the phenomena of networking on the Internet in about 1997 for my PhD research. In fact the primary theory that I used is called “actor-network theory”. Some of the findings of that research are included in this chapter. The main idea for I Am Sharing is to evolve the tools that we have been given to gain greater benefit for humanity. The following is the development of this idea for a “collaborative network.” The reason why I Am Sharing has been chosen is because the inspiration for this came just one month after my father passed. This may or may not be the actual name for the first network that we create, but for the purposes of this essay and discussion, this is the name I will use.
I have been slowly evolving ideas and discussion about the I Am Sharing network. It was first conceived in February 2007. I posted an Alpha website, which I have included a screenshot of. Then, sometime in 2008, I created a Ning network, - this network is not functioning as of April 2010, Ning decided to stop free services). The following are some of the ideas and concepts that have been written, including specific ideas and “mock-ups” of the various pages.
Introduction Posted on January 5, 2009 at the “alpha” version of I Am Sharing at Ning.
Dear Friends,
There is a vision for IAmSharing - it's a vision of Love and the One. To that end, we must bring people out of the confusion of thoughts, beliefs, fears, and dramas and traumas of the world. There is "Only Love" as John Prine sings in the beautiful song with the same title. The process is one of "Building Bridges". IAmSharing – The Conceptual Foundation of Creating a Collaborative Network The title of my PhD dissertation is "Nature Tourism in Cyberspace: an examination of its geography and character in the network".
My work, experiences and studies have given me insights into the potential of the Internet to help the "little guy" and the disenfranchised. I see there is an opportunity to, in a way, follow the Wal-Mart model to extend services to rural places, but instead of selling people a bunch of stuff, we can empower them to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true (education, personal empowerment, etc), and improve the quality of life in small communities and for the people we reach.
Figure C11-1: The sites "Coming Soon" notice was posted on May 29, 2007.
Our endeavor here is to capture a new audience that might have a desire to share a little bit more about themselves to a like minded community of people. The phenomena of online communities (Facebook, Myspace, Orkut, Yahoo personals,, Ecademy, etc.) are expanding, but the meaning or substance that they portray, in my opinion, is shallow. David Peat, writing about Carl Jung’s theory of synchronicity suggests that “meaning” is the substance or the bridge between mind and matter – the glue of synchronicity. I believe “meaning” is truly at the core of what we are all searching for spiritually through our connections with people and the natural world. We accumulate “meaning” through the experiences of our lives. My vision is to create a community of people who want to share their stories (successes?) with the world, or at least the community of like minded people within the I Am Sharing community. At the same time, and maybe more importantly, show their connections to people who have helped them accomplish what they have – and to tell their stories too. That is what I want to do.
Click the following link to download chapters of "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Homelessness, Bulk Mail, Corporations, Change
Just Thinking – Pondered Observances
– Empty buildings and Homeless People
I grew up in Ames, Iowa. I don’t remember seeing or even hearing about homeless people. Ames is a small town that was kind of an island. No poverty to speak of, no crime, very low unemployment. I am not sure if that caused me to be naïve.
The first time I thought about homeless people was when I moved to San Antonio, Texas in 1989. I remember seeing people standing on major intersections with signs saying “will work for food”. I have heard that some of these people actually do this for a job. It is not my concern. My thoughts were that there are thousands of people in any single city the size of San Antonio that do not have adequate housing.
I lived in the northwest part of the city and there was a very large eight story building that, for all the years that I drove in and out of this part of the city, sat empty. Nothing, no activity, just a very large building that could have housed hundreds of people. Throughout that one city I saw, and would imagine, all of the empty buildings that could provide some type of shelter for homeless people.
I know we can come up with all kinds of reasons why this shouldn’t be done. The homeless people will damage the building, etc., etc. I suppose if you think along these lines you can surely come up with all kinds of reasons.
As for me, I just can’t rectify the fact that people need places to stay, and there are nice empty buildings sitting around, in some cases for years, not being used.
To me, it would be an opportunity for “landlords” to get some good karma, and in my experience they need it. Have you ever thought of the word “landlord”? In my experience they are some of the unhappiest, frustrated people I have ever known. I can understand why.
Another thing that I have thought about is the hungry. Have you ever tried to imagine how much food is thrown into the garbage every day from all of the restaurants and grocery stores across the world? It seems to me we shouldn’t throw food away when there are hungry people on the streets. Surely if we can figure out how to get a plastic bottle of Coca Cola or a bag of Frito Lay chips to every small shop in every country of the world, we can figure out a way to distribute locally this food being thrown in the garbage to the hungry people of the world. Or, maybe not . . . maybe I am just crazy.
Postal Service – Delivering Garbage to Your House & Economic “externalitites”
I had never really thought much about the postal service until sometime in 2006. I actually liked the postal service as a concept for a long time. It and the railroad is what made America become the country that it did. But somewhere along the line the postal service changed. Instead of delivering personal letters and other critical types of information, extending lines of services to all peoples, it became a broker of “junk mail”. I think there is even a stronger word that we might use, but that would be a digression.
I had thought about inefficiency though when I was working with a mail order catalog business in the mid-1990s. I was pretty astounded by the amount of waste in that industry, even though the project was for a very good cause, to increase revenues for Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. to protect more wildlife habitats and support small Texas artisans.
The major costs of printed mail order catalogs are design, but especially printing. Another major cost is postage. However, as it works, if you mail enough pieces (individual letters or publications) you can get “bulk rate” through the US postal service which is a significant drop in cost per piece of mail. But it was still a very expensive part of the business. Now, for me this is the evidence where our economic system fails. It is called “economy of scales”. The more pieces that are created, or mailed in this case, the cost per item goes down.
The eye opener for me was what I learned from experience in mail order business. In mail order the key word to success is “return rate”. “Return rate” means that people purchased something from the catalog. This means the number of people who make a purchase, which is represented by the percentage of responses to the catalogs you mail out. If you get 2% return rate you are doing a good business. TWO PERCENT! That meant that 98% of all of those beautiful catalogs that we produced went straight to the garbage can. Imagine the waste of energy in that process. That would be like cutting down 1000 trees and only using 20 of them. Think, in all of the world, all of the energy being expended in this process. Trees are cut down. Huge amounts of money are being spent to kill trees, and convert those trees to “slick” paper. Expensive design and printing is being done. Hundreds of hours of effort is expended for each catalog that is produced. Exorbitant amounts are being spent on postage to deliver to individual houses, but by far the majority of these people do not want it.
In looking from a very real perspective, the postal service delivers garbage to our house, and we have already paid for that because we pay “taxes” to subsidize the postal service. The time honored “Postman” is a garbage man, but he is delivering the garbage to our house.
But that is just the beginning. Then we have to pay garbage men to haul the garbage away. The garbage is taken to a “landfill” which then we have to pay another company, or municipality, to figure out how to keep this mountain of garbage from polluting our soils and water systems. If we don’t, the natural environmental, and human health costs are incredible. And it isn’t working. And I can show you a picture of how well these “landfills” control “toxic seepages”. That’s another funny concept to think about the word “landfill”. Sounds kind of nice right? But what is actually happening is that we are creating mountains of garbage, or just dumping them into the ocean.
In our economic system, as it is developed under Adam Smith’s model, is that most of these things are called “externalities”. These are “costs” or “impacts” that fall out of the realm of responsibilities of the companies that are making the “profit”. The “externalities” of impacts to our environment, that we pay through having to clean up this pollution, or otherwise “health costs”, is incredible. In this case example, I have not mentioned many other factors such as those connected to the fuel costs, and impacts, associated to delivering the garbage to our house, and then taking it away. I won’t even follow the trail of costs and impacts of using fossil fuels. That becomes a whole other stream of similar effects as what was described above. And these effects are also not necessary because other options to petroleum exist. Very few people take the time to investigate that many alternative technologies for energy and transportation exist, but have been suppressed by oil interests. How this happens and has been accomplished is a whole other story.
So what is the solution? Well to start we need to have a way to look at the situation from a different perspective. One of my favorites is called “systems thinking” which was conceived back in the 1920s by scientists looking at natural systems. Using “systems thinking”, or even common sense, one would have to question these processes that have become a part of mainstream society. Why do we allow this kind of waste to continue? If we look at nature, which is where systems thinking was derived from, we never see a system where only 2% of the energy expended is used. There is an organization called Zero Emissions Research Institute (ZERI) which looks at developing systems that more closely match the efficiency of natural systems, which are perfectly efficient. As we know, natural systems do not waste anything.
So now you ask, ok Andy, how do we address this? Well, I could figure something out if given enough time, and I have a few ideas, although not all of them for sure. One possibility, just stop using this system, or this economic model that sustains “economies of scale” and “externalities”. In any case, I know I could come up with something that would perform much better than 2%. Today I am not writing to propose the solutions although I am sure there is someone out there who has proposed a model that will work much better, for example ZERI. However, we must look at this system and go back to the source of the skewed nature of the model, and I am convinced it is connected to our existing economic system. I think we could quickly alleviate, or eliminate, many of these incredibly wasteful systems, that usually serve a few corporate interests in the end, by placing into the cycle the additional costs which are pawned off as “externalitites”. If we included all of the additional costs that are incurred in this “system” of bulk mail, the costs would eliminate it as a viable option.
We must, in my view, also look at the foundation principles of corporations. Who and what are they? How do they conduct their business? What is their legal basis for existence? In reality, it is a paper reality”. It is not “really”, real. But they have convinced us, and have us totally buffaloed into believing the “systems” that they have created. And they are abundant, and they require an immense amount of energy to try to operate within. But they have no souls. They are not living beings. And, there is no one within them that takes “personal” responsibility for the impacts and actions, even though they probably should. Information is starting to come forward about the true nature of this incredibly elaborate “shell game” that has totally taken the creative and immensely powerful collective human consciousness into a realm of existence that is absolutely unsustainable, except maybe for a select few. In many respects I have recently realized it is like a really elaborate “Monopoly” game, intermixed with “Risk”. Do you like the game? Do you want to step outside of it? Well, the first thing you need to do is see that it is a game, and that in this game you have diminishing freedoms.
There are some very encouraging events happening in certain circles where people are starting to wake up. Recently I saw a news item where a number of communities are finding “loopholes” in the legal system which are allowing them to deny corporations “personhood”. Denying the companies to dispose of toxic wastes or to purchase the communities water rights. However, I feel that these methods might be a temporary solution because the legal system is one of the primary elements of this imaginary “game space”. It all falls under England’s model of government called the “Commonwealth”. And if we stay in the game, and just manipulate the rules of the game, we are still stuck in their game. Wouldn’t we prefer to create a new game? Or better yet, stop playing games and start just living life? I don’t know, but it seems a good question to answer.
In any case, my purpose here is not to suggest that I know how to “fix” everything. I just bring this to people’s attention. So, I want to ask, have you ever thought about something like what I mentioned in this little essay? If not, isn’t it surprising? What should we do? – ignore it? Or, maybe we should do something?
How many of these processes are going on as we go about our day to day business? If we observe what we are doing as collective groups is like we are pretending, as we have blinders over our eyes, that everything is just fine. Just as long as we don’t see or think about what is going on, we aren’t affected in any way. But is this the case? We just go about our daily lives, busy, busy, busy, taking care of our own families and everything is just fine? Well, for me, this is not the case. Ever since an experience in 1979 I have seen that we really are all one family. Thus the quote “we are all in this together”. As one species on this world, being genetically, and ancestorally tied, we are really one big family. And everyone knows that we should take care of family, right? We just need to expand the definition of our family. I have come to understand that it is our responsibility to do our best for the benefit of all. Great people have shown us this by their demonstrations (e.g. Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa, Norman Borlaug, etc.). But it is also written into the texts of the great religions and teachings. I could provide a number of great quotes, but won’t now. You can find many in the Bhagavad Gita.
In the world it is like we are warring over little pieces of “turf”. Creating imaginary boundaries that we fight over is really ridiculous considering that there is really the possibility to venturing out to the cosmic neighborhood. Religion, science and some select interests have severely limited our understanding of the possibilities of venturing out to the stars, not to mention what we believe and know what life is about. These possibilities have been entertained and presented as “science fiction”, as if our imaginations will not get satisfied. But this is not the case. Imagination is the catalyst for realizing those things dreamed about. Why would we be able to see and contemplate this grand universe but not be able to venture out into it? This would be similar to getting a house and knowing that you had a dozen rooms, but could only stand in the entry vestibule.
However, it is quite apparent to any thinking person, that if we can’t get our act together on this little world, then the likelihood of venturing out to the stars as a greater humanity is severely limited. And by the way I do believe that there are certain interests connected to certain governments or corporate interests that have access to travel in space much more than what most of us know about.
Hiding our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich is not acceptable. Do we have brains bigger than the ostrich? We are responsible for what is happening in the collective human experience. Really. We cannot just pretend and it will all fix itself. The interests that have gotten us into this situation are actively working to maintain things the way they are, and the results is a continued degradation of the human and natural condition. Each day more and more “systems” are put in place to limit our freedoms, to travel, to go about our business without being watched. Do you have any idea how many cameras are watching us? (there was one in the charter bus I drove in 2008, taking images both inside and outside the bus, funded by the Office of Homeland Security). Why? Do you know what happened in East Germany after WWII? Did any of you read the book 1984 by George Orwell which was written in the 1950s? That was someone’s imagination.
Which do you prefer, a world where people are all fed, there is peace, abundance and “true” freedom? Or one which continues along the lines of where we are headed – that is as you open your eyes to see what has been happening? Is this going to change by magic, or will it require some effort on our part? And, this is not about another “war” or “battle” against these “powers that were” (very important word choice). As long as we see there is a battle ground, we will maintain that enemy, with our own consciousness, thoughts and emotions. This idea is contained in the quote from Carl Jung “what you resist, persists”. Again, will these situations magically be rectified? Not likely. As long as we continue with our “eyes wide closed” the situation will continue along the same path. We have to open our eyes, and then determine a new path based upon what our imaginations have introduced to us. Then take the actions to begin to introduce new modes, systems and methods to create that new “reality”.
– Empty buildings and Homeless People
I grew up in Ames, Iowa. I don’t remember seeing or even hearing about homeless people. Ames is a small town that was kind of an island. No poverty to speak of, no crime, very low unemployment. I am not sure if that caused me to be naïve.
The first time I thought about homeless people was when I moved to San Antonio, Texas in 1989. I remember seeing people standing on major intersections with signs saying “will work for food”. I have heard that some of these people actually do this for a job. It is not my concern. My thoughts were that there are thousands of people in any single city the size of San Antonio that do not have adequate housing.
I lived in the northwest part of the city and there was a very large eight story building that, for all the years that I drove in and out of this part of the city, sat empty. Nothing, no activity, just a very large building that could have housed hundreds of people. Throughout that one city I saw, and would imagine, all of the empty buildings that could provide some type of shelter for homeless people.
I know we can come up with all kinds of reasons why this shouldn’t be done. The homeless people will damage the building, etc., etc. I suppose if you think along these lines you can surely come up with all kinds of reasons.
As for me, I just can’t rectify the fact that people need places to stay, and there are nice empty buildings sitting around, in some cases for years, not being used.
To me, it would be an opportunity for “landlords” to get some good karma, and in my experience they need it. Have you ever thought of the word “landlord”? In my experience they are some of the unhappiest, frustrated people I have ever known. I can understand why.
Another thing that I have thought about is the hungry. Have you ever tried to imagine how much food is thrown into the garbage every day from all of the restaurants and grocery stores across the world? It seems to me we shouldn’t throw food away when there are hungry people on the streets. Surely if we can figure out how to get a plastic bottle of Coca Cola or a bag of Frito Lay chips to every small shop in every country of the world, we can figure out a way to distribute locally this food being thrown in the garbage to the hungry people of the world. Or, maybe not . . . maybe I am just crazy.
Postal Service – Delivering Garbage to Your House & Economic “externalitites”
I had never really thought much about the postal service until sometime in 2006. I actually liked the postal service as a concept for a long time. It and the railroad is what made America become the country that it did. But somewhere along the line the postal service changed. Instead of delivering personal letters and other critical types of information, extending lines of services to all peoples, it became a broker of “junk mail”. I think there is even a stronger word that we might use, but that would be a digression.
I had thought about inefficiency though when I was working with a mail order catalog business in the mid-1990s. I was pretty astounded by the amount of waste in that industry, even though the project was for a very good cause, to increase revenues for Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. to protect more wildlife habitats and support small Texas artisans.
The major costs of printed mail order catalogs are design, but especially printing. Another major cost is postage. However, as it works, if you mail enough pieces (individual letters or publications) you can get “bulk rate” through the US postal service which is a significant drop in cost per piece of mail. But it was still a very expensive part of the business. Now, for me this is the evidence where our economic system fails. It is called “economy of scales”. The more pieces that are created, or mailed in this case, the cost per item goes down.
The eye opener for me was what I learned from experience in mail order business. In mail order the key word to success is “return rate”. “Return rate” means that people purchased something from the catalog. This means the number of people who make a purchase, which is represented by the percentage of responses to the catalogs you mail out. If you get 2% return rate you are doing a good business. TWO PERCENT! That meant that 98% of all of those beautiful catalogs that we produced went straight to the garbage can. Imagine the waste of energy in that process. That would be like cutting down 1000 trees and only using 20 of them. Think, in all of the world, all of the energy being expended in this process. Trees are cut down. Huge amounts of money are being spent to kill trees, and convert those trees to “slick” paper. Expensive design and printing is being done. Hundreds of hours of effort is expended for each catalog that is produced. Exorbitant amounts are being spent on postage to deliver to individual houses, but by far the majority of these people do not want it.
In looking from a very real perspective, the postal service delivers garbage to our house, and we have already paid for that because we pay “taxes” to subsidize the postal service. The time honored “Postman” is a garbage man, but he is delivering the garbage to our house.
But that is just the beginning. Then we have to pay garbage men to haul the garbage away. The garbage is taken to a “landfill” which then we have to pay another company, or municipality, to figure out how to keep this mountain of garbage from polluting our soils and water systems. If we don’t, the natural environmental, and human health costs are incredible. And it isn’t working. And I can show you a picture of how well these “landfills” control “toxic seepages”. That’s another funny concept to think about the word “landfill”. Sounds kind of nice right? But what is actually happening is that we are creating mountains of garbage, or just dumping them into the ocean.
In our economic system, as it is developed under Adam Smith’s model, is that most of these things are called “externalities”. These are “costs” or “impacts” that fall out of the realm of responsibilities of the companies that are making the “profit”. The “externalities” of impacts to our environment, that we pay through having to clean up this pollution, or otherwise “health costs”, is incredible. In this case example, I have not mentioned many other factors such as those connected to the fuel costs, and impacts, associated to delivering the garbage to our house, and then taking it away. I won’t even follow the trail of costs and impacts of using fossil fuels. That becomes a whole other stream of similar effects as what was described above. And these effects are also not necessary because other options to petroleum exist. Very few people take the time to investigate that many alternative technologies for energy and transportation exist, but have been suppressed by oil interests. How this happens and has been accomplished is a whole other story.
So what is the solution? Well to start we need to have a way to look at the situation from a different perspective. One of my favorites is called “systems thinking” which was conceived back in the 1920s by scientists looking at natural systems. Using “systems thinking”, or even common sense, one would have to question these processes that have become a part of mainstream society. Why do we allow this kind of waste to continue? If we look at nature, which is where systems thinking was derived from, we never see a system where only 2% of the energy expended is used. There is an organization called Zero Emissions Research Institute (ZERI) which looks at developing systems that more closely match the efficiency of natural systems, which are perfectly efficient. As we know, natural systems do not waste anything.
So now you ask, ok Andy, how do we address this? Well, I could figure something out if given enough time, and I have a few ideas, although not all of them for sure. One possibility, just stop using this system, or this economic model that sustains “economies of scale” and “externalities”. In any case, I know I could come up with something that would perform much better than 2%. Today I am not writing to propose the solutions although I am sure there is someone out there who has proposed a model that will work much better, for example ZERI. However, we must look at this system and go back to the source of the skewed nature of the model, and I am convinced it is connected to our existing economic system. I think we could quickly alleviate, or eliminate, many of these incredibly wasteful systems, that usually serve a few corporate interests in the end, by placing into the cycle the additional costs which are pawned off as “externalitites”. If we included all of the additional costs that are incurred in this “system” of bulk mail, the costs would eliminate it as a viable option.
We must, in my view, also look at the foundation principles of corporations. Who and what are they? How do they conduct their business? What is their legal basis for existence? In reality, it is a paper reality”. It is not “really”, real. But they have convinced us, and have us totally buffaloed into believing the “systems” that they have created. And they are abundant, and they require an immense amount of energy to try to operate within. But they have no souls. They are not living beings. And, there is no one within them that takes “personal” responsibility for the impacts and actions, even though they probably should. Information is starting to come forward about the true nature of this incredibly elaborate “shell game” that has totally taken the creative and immensely powerful collective human consciousness into a realm of existence that is absolutely unsustainable, except maybe for a select few. In many respects I have recently realized it is like a really elaborate “Monopoly” game, intermixed with “Risk”. Do you like the game? Do you want to step outside of it? Well, the first thing you need to do is see that it is a game, and that in this game you have diminishing freedoms.
There are some very encouraging events happening in certain circles where people are starting to wake up. Recently I saw a news item where a number of communities are finding “loopholes” in the legal system which are allowing them to deny corporations “personhood”. Denying the companies to dispose of toxic wastes or to purchase the communities water rights. However, I feel that these methods might be a temporary solution because the legal system is one of the primary elements of this imaginary “game space”. It all falls under England’s model of government called the “Commonwealth”. And if we stay in the game, and just manipulate the rules of the game, we are still stuck in their game. Wouldn’t we prefer to create a new game? Or better yet, stop playing games and start just living life? I don’t know, but it seems a good question to answer.
In any case, my purpose here is not to suggest that I know how to “fix” everything. I just bring this to people’s attention. So, I want to ask, have you ever thought about something like what I mentioned in this little essay? If not, isn’t it surprising? What should we do? – ignore it? Or, maybe we should do something?
How many of these processes are going on as we go about our day to day business? If we observe what we are doing as collective groups is like we are pretending, as we have blinders over our eyes, that everything is just fine. Just as long as we don’t see or think about what is going on, we aren’t affected in any way. But is this the case? We just go about our daily lives, busy, busy, busy, taking care of our own families and everything is just fine? Well, for me, this is not the case. Ever since an experience in 1979 I have seen that we really are all one family. Thus the quote “we are all in this together”. As one species on this world, being genetically, and ancestorally tied, we are really one big family. And everyone knows that we should take care of family, right? We just need to expand the definition of our family. I have come to understand that it is our responsibility to do our best for the benefit of all. Great people have shown us this by their demonstrations (e.g. Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa, Norman Borlaug, etc.). But it is also written into the texts of the great religions and teachings. I could provide a number of great quotes, but won’t now. You can find many in the Bhagavad Gita.
In the world it is like we are warring over little pieces of “turf”. Creating imaginary boundaries that we fight over is really ridiculous considering that there is really the possibility to venturing out to the cosmic neighborhood. Religion, science and some select interests have severely limited our understanding of the possibilities of venturing out to the stars, not to mention what we believe and know what life is about. These possibilities have been entertained and presented as “science fiction”, as if our imaginations will not get satisfied. But this is not the case. Imagination is the catalyst for realizing those things dreamed about. Why would we be able to see and contemplate this grand universe but not be able to venture out into it? This would be similar to getting a house and knowing that you had a dozen rooms, but could only stand in the entry vestibule.
However, it is quite apparent to any thinking person, that if we can’t get our act together on this little world, then the likelihood of venturing out to the stars as a greater humanity is severely limited. And by the way I do believe that there are certain interests connected to certain governments or corporate interests that have access to travel in space much more than what most of us know about.
Hiding our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich is not acceptable. Do we have brains bigger than the ostrich? We are responsible for what is happening in the collective human experience. Really. We cannot just pretend and it will all fix itself. The interests that have gotten us into this situation are actively working to maintain things the way they are, and the results is a continued degradation of the human and natural condition. Each day more and more “systems” are put in place to limit our freedoms, to travel, to go about our business without being watched. Do you have any idea how many cameras are watching us? (there was one in the charter bus I drove in 2008, taking images both inside and outside the bus, funded by the Office of Homeland Security). Why? Do you know what happened in East Germany after WWII? Did any of you read the book 1984 by George Orwell which was written in the 1950s? That was someone’s imagination.
Which do you prefer, a world where people are all fed, there is peace, abundance and “true” freedom? Or one which continues along the lines of where we are headed – that is as you open your eyes to see what has been happening? Is this going to change by magic, or will it require some effort on our part? And, this is not about another “war” or “battle” against these “powers that were” (very important word choice). As long as we see there is a battle ground, we will maintain that enemy, with our own consciousness, thoughts and emotions. This idea is contained in the quote from Carl Jung “what you resist, persists”. Again, will these situations magically be rectified? Not likely. As long as we continue with our “eyes wide closed” the situation will continue along the same path. We have to open our eyes, and then determine a new path based upon what our imaginations have introduced to us. Then take the actions to begin to introduce new modes, systems and methods to create that new “reality”.
post office,
systems thinking,
Friday, January 14, 2011
Converting Light Into Knowledge (CLIK)
Remote Sensing Sciences & Hyperspectral Sensors and Systems Thinking for Tackling Our Environmental Challenges
Click the following link to download chapters of "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
This is a Highlight of Chapter 8 of the Vision Book--Environmental Case Example--Remote Sensing Sciences, Hyperspectral, Commercialization and Creation of an Institute and New Science?, available for free from the link above, or at the end of this blog.
One of the most interesting and exciting things that I ever worked with was a technology called a "hyperspectral sensor". I was working with Dr. Richard Ewing the Vice President for Research of Texas A&M University. My job was to figure out a strategy for the university to utilize this technology, in the context of "remote sensing sciences", for education and commercialization opportunities.
So what about this hyperspectral sensor? In simple terms a hyperspectral sensor is a very large camera that can take a picture of all that we can and cannot see. Typically the device is flown in an airplane, UAV, or satellite, and is aimed at the surface of the planet, at least in the applications we are interested in. The device captures reflected light - many bands of data across the light spectrum that can be used to understand the characteristics of the objects and substances captured in the image based on their spectral signature. The device I was working with at Texas A&M was built by Texaco in the mid-90's, called the Texaco Energy and Environmental Multi-spectral Spectrometer (TEEMS). The device captured about 250 bands (sections of light wavelenth) across the ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectrums. The bands are critical for seeing the various "substances" that you are looking for. The amazing thing is that these spectral signatures are like "finger prints" for everything. Every substance, including your hair, or my hair, or whatever, each has a unique spectral signature.
So what's the big deal? It's a huge deal! This device can help us see all kinds of phenomena that are invisible to the naked eye, pollutants floating on water, insect infestation in crop fields, fault lines showing up in avalanche prone areas, leachate seeps from landfills polluting a river, etc. etc. In fact, since we haven't even looked very much at what we can see with these devices (except for military applications), the potential is unlimited. The opportunities exist in the questions that we ask, and our willingness and capability to break the data down and analyze it. The more I looked at this device and its potential last year, the more astounded I became.
The real, and most important opportunity comes from taking these technologies and converting the data into information for decision making. Yes, there are immense opportunities to pursue new hardware and software, but the huge opportunity is to gather insights to what these spectral signatures can show us, and how those can be used for understanding and ameliorating our various environmental challenges that we face globally. The application of this technology crosses all activities occurring between humans and natural world.
This blog includes a link to Chapter 8 in the Vision book about the strategies that I have been working on for the last four years, building on the strategies I proposed for Texas A&M, and continuing to propose efforts here in Colombia, I have included all the information and insights for building an institute, and apply these technologies and "systems thinking" to address a multiplicity of issues. I have envisioned working with a company called SpecTIR that is currently on the leading edge of applying this technology in places around the world.
Here is a sample of a diagram described in some detail in the chapter which shows how the hyperspectral sensor, combined with spatial analysis, can be a process utilized with GIS software applications to help solve environmental challenges.
Spatial Analysis
Spatial Analysis is a powerful tool for decision-makers interested in developing a more comprehensive view for project management. By gathering a variety of data and information sets and then referencing them in a geo-spatial way, considerable insights can be gained for environmental decision-making and problem-solving. Spatial analysis allows for disparate, yet interrelated information to be examined. Depending on the goals and objectives of a specific situation, layered data sets can be examined in many ways to allow for greater flexibility for assessing and managing impacts. GIS spatial analysis allows project managers to play “what-if” scenarios based on a variety of mathematical and computational modeling techniques (see Diagram C8-2 in the Vision book).
Follow this link to see a previous blog entitled "The Paradox of Technology - New Science and Hyperspectral" to read some of the early insights as I was working with this technology, and the "intelligence" of light.
Click the following link to download chapters of "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
Click the following link to download chapters of "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
This is a Highlight of Chapter 8 of the Vision Book--Environmental Case Example--Remote Sensing Sciences, Hyperspectral, Commercialization and Creation of an Institute and New Science?, available for free from the link above, or at the end of this blog.
One of the most interesting and exciting things that I ever worked with was a technology called a "hyperspectral sensor". I was working with Dr. Richard Ewing the Vice President for Research of Texas A&M University. My job was to figure out a strategy for the university to utilize this technology, in the context of "remote sensing sciences", for education and commercialization opportunities.
So what about this hyperspectral sensor? In simple terms a hyperspectral sensor is a very large camera that can take a picture of all that we can and cannot see. Typically the device is flown in an airplane, UAV, or satellite, and is aimed at the surface of the planet, at least in the applications we are interested in. The device captures reflected light - many bands of data across the light spectrum that can be used to understand the characteristics of the objects and substances captured in the image based on their spectral signature. The device I was working with at Texas A&M was built by Texaco in the mid-90's, called the Texaco Energy and Environmental Multi-spectral Spectrometer (TEEMS). The device captured about 250 bands (sections of light wavelenth) across the ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectrums. The bands are critical for seeing the various "substances" that you are looking for. The amazing thing is that these spectral signatures are like "finger prints" for everything. Every substance, including your hair, or my hair, or whatever, each has a unique spectral signature.
So what's the big deal? It's a huge deal! This device can help us see all kinds of phenomena that are invisible to the naked eye, pollutants floating on water, insect infestation in crop fields, fault lines showing up in avalanche prone areas, leachate seeps from landfills polluting a river, etc. etc. In fact, since we haven't even looked very much at what we can see with these devices (except for military applications), the potential is unlimited. The opportunities exist in the questions that we ask, and our willingness and capability to break the data down and analyze it. The more I looked at this device and its potential last year, the more astounded I became.
The real, and most important opportunity comes from taking these technologies and converting the data into information for decision making. Yes, there are immense opportunities to pursue new hardware and software, but the huge opportunity is to gather insights to what these spectral signatures can show us, and how those can be used for understanding and ameliorating our various environmental challenges that we face globally. The application of this technology crosses all activities occurring between humans and natural world.
This blog includes a link to Chapter 8 in the Vision book about the strategies that I have been working on for the last four years, building on the strategies I proposed for Texas A&M, and continuing to propose efforts here in Colombia, I have included all the information and insights for building an institute, and apply these technologies and "systems thinking" to address a multiplicity of issues. I have envisioned working with a company called SpecTIR that is currently on the leading edge of applying this technology in places around the world.
Here is a sample of a diagram described in some detail in the chapter which shows how the hyperspectral sensor, combined with spatial analysis, can be a process utilized with GIS software applications to help solve environmental challenges.
Spatial Analysis
Spatial Analysis is a powerful tool for decision-makers interested in developing a more comprehensive view for project management. By gathering a variety of data and information sets and then referencing them in a geo-spatial way, considerable insights can be gained for environmental decision-making and problem-solving. Spatial analysis allows for disparate, yet interrelated information to be examined. Depending on the goals and objectives of a specific situation, layered data sets can be examined in many ways to allow for greater flexibility for assessing and managing impacts. GIS spatial analysis allows project managers to play “what-if” scenarios based on a variety of mathematical and computational modeling techniques (see Diagram C8-2 in the Vision book).
Follow this link to see a previous blog entitled "The Paradox of Technology - New Science and Hyperspectral" to read some of the early insights as I was working with this technology, and the "intelligence" of light.
Click the following link to download chapters of "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tourism - The Elephant Standing on Our Feet.
Tourism Development Strategies - Innovation, Technology, Community Based - Chapter 9 Vision book
Click the following link to download chapters of "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
Tourism is the largest industry in the world. It is so diversified, and touches so many aspects of our lives and the economies of nations, regions, communities and people. It is seemingly complex because of how we have fragmented the various aspects of the world.
But at its essence tourism is relatively simple. Experience! It is about people providing experiences and opportunities for other people to partake of those experiences. It really isn't rocket science. And the import of this as we work toward Peace and greater understandings between peoples, and to discover more about this wonderful world that we live in, we cannot ignore the imperative to continue the evolution of tourism as an industry. It is critical to move from the competitive mindset and move into creativity and diversification. Tourism can be complimentary to any other development. In fact, tourism done properly is a part of almost all communities that have successful economies, and are nice places to live. And tourism is the number one vehicle for instilling a sense of place and an awareness of our critically important connection to the Earth.
Personally I have worked in the tourism industry at all scales. From taking money from campers in a county park campground, to driving charted tours around the U.S., to teaching windsurfing and leading outdoor recreation trips, to teaching farmers and ranchers how to start nature tourism businesses, to developing the first Wireless Internet and tourism information kiosk, as part of a project to provide travelers information at Dept. of Transportation rest area facilities.
My observations are that we have not been very thoughtful, visionary, or creative as we have been looking at tourism as an "opportunity space", at all scales. Based on these observations, I have dedicated my life to creating a grander and more sustainable vision.
The other aspect of the tourism development side of the equation, is the lack of understanding of how important the Internet is and how we can utilize new technologies. I don't have to look at any statistics to know that practically everyone will go to the Web to do research or gather information before they travel. Many technologies have been developed that enhance the tourism experience, and for providers to enhance their services. But the industry as a whole are very slow at learning how to use these tools, much less lead in their development and utilization.
In Chapter 9--Tourism as a Case Example 3--and In-depth Description of the Development of a Regional and Replicable Initiative of my Vision book, I have gathered together as comprehensive of a presentation as possible, in the shortest amount of space, of what I see as the main emphases and opportunities for developing tourism, both for regions and communities, and also for travelers. When one steps into the Creative Mind, as promulgated by Wallace D. Wattles, the opportunities in the realm of experiential tourism really open up, to be practically unlimited. (Download Wattles Science of Getting Rich, FREE).
Here are two excerpted graphics of concepts described in some detail from this Chapter of the Vision book.
To download this chapter, or any others from my book, follow this link "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
Click the following link to download chapters of "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
Tourism is the largest industry in the world. It is so diversified, and touches so many aspects of our lives and the economies of nations, regions, communities and people. It is seemingly complex because of how we have fragmented the various aspects of the world.
But at its essence tourism is relatively simple. Experience! It is about people providing experiences and opportunities for other people to partake of those experiences. It really isn't rocket science. And the import of this as we work toward Peace and greater understandings between peoples, and to discover more about this wonderful world that we live in, we cannot ignore the imperative to continue the evolution of tourism as an industry. It is critical to move from the competitive mindset and move into creativity and diversification. Tourism can be complimentary to any other development. In fact, tourism done properly is a part of almost all communities that have successful economies, and are nice places to live. And tourism is the number one vehicle for instilling a sense of place and an awareness of our critically important connection to the Earth.
Personally I have worked in the tourism industry at all scales. From taking money from campers in a county park campground, to driving charted tours around the U.S., to teaching windsurfing and leading outdoor recreation trips, to teaching farmers and ranchers how to start nature tourism businesses, to developing the first Wireless Internet and tourism information kiosk, as part of a project to provide travelers information at Dept. of Transportation rest area facilities.
My observations are that we have not been very thoughtful, visionary, or creative as we have been looking at tourism as an "opportunity space", at all scales. Based on these observations, I have dedicated my life to creating a grander and more sustainable vision.
The other aspect of the tourism development side of the equation, is the lack of understanding of how important the Internet is and how we can utilize new technologies. I don't have to look at any statistics to know that practically everyone will go to the Web to do research or gather information before they travel. Many technologies have been developed that enhance the tourism experience, and for providers to enhance their services. But the industry as a whole are very slow at learning how to use these tools, much less lead in their development and utilization.
In Chapter 9--Tourism as a Case Example 3--and In-depth Description of the Development of a Regional and Replicable Initiative of my Vision book, I have gathered together as comprehensive of a presentation as possible, in the shortest amount of space, of what I see as the main emphases and opportunities for developing tourism, both for regions and communities, and also for travelers. When one steps into the Creative Mind, as promulgated by Wallace D. Wattles, the opportunities in the realm of experiential tourism really open up, to be practically unlimited. (Download Wattles Science of Getting Rich, FREE).
Here are two excerpted graphics of concepts described in some detail from this Chapter of the Vision book.
To download this chapter, or any others from my book, follow this link "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Hybrid Community Diversified Cooperative
“Hybridizing” the Cooperative Model
This concept is one of my more interesting ideas and describes in some detail the creation of a sort of "regional community center", including the creation of a physical set of facilities to catalyze innovation, entrepreneurship and community empowerment.
This chapter of the Vision book begins a “Master Mind” dialog for evolving the concept of a new type of cooperative. There is something incredibly powerful about the "cooperative". It transformed agriculture. And yet in the U.S. it has really been limited in its utilization and evolution. Also, in my opinion, it tends to have a "corporate" feel. The idea of a "hybrid" would be to adjust the concept of "one vote per member". This concept rings of democracy which may not be the ultimate form of a cooperative venture, because in "a democracy" you could have 49% of the group disgruntled. That to me is not a workable model.
An evolution of the original concept of the cooperative might be derived from Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” describing the functioning of the Master Mind (see discussion in the book chapter). A process built into the Cooperative could involve assurance of 100% alignment regarding actionable efforts. The key to tapping into incredible powers would be to assure "pure" collaboration. In many historical and contemporary human endeavors small percentages of dissonant opinions and voices resulted in ultimate failure.
To download this chapter, or any others from my book, follow this link "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
This concept is one of my more interesting ideas and describes in some detail the creation of a sort of "regional community center", including the creation of a physical set of facilities to catalyze innovation, entrepreneurship and community empowerment.
This chapter of the Vision book begins a “Master Mind” dialog for evolving the concept of a new type of cooperative. There is something incredibly powerful about the "cooperative". It transformed agriculture. And yet in the U.S. it has really been limited in its utilization and evolution. Also, in my opinion, it tends to have a "corporate" feel. The idea of a "hybrid" would be to adjust the concept of "one vote per member". This concept rings of democracy which may not be the ultimate form of a cooperative venture, because in "a democracy" you could have 49% of the group disgruntled. That to me is not a workable model.
An evolution of the original concept of the cooperative might be derived from Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” describing the functioning of the Master Mind (see discussion in the book chapter). A process built into the Cooperative could involve assurance of 100% alignment regarding actionable efforts. The key to tapping into incredible powers would be to assure "pure" collaboration. In many historical and contemporary human endeavors small percentages of dissonant opinions and voices resulted in ultimate failure.
To download this chapter, or any others from my book, follow this link "Vision - We Are Re-creating the World, a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental Awareness.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Views on Internationalization and Strategic Planning
Recently I applied for a teaching position for International Business English here in Colombia. I was given one hour to write an essay. The following is what I wrote with practically no editing. I feel it adequately captures what I see going on, and the opportunity that lies ahead of us.
Internationalization and Strategic Planning
Internationalization has shown to have both positive and negative impacts. Under the past model (which is currently most people's understanding of current affairs), dominated by corporate interests is not not sustainable. However, at the same time the systems of communication and distribution can be utilized to support the rapidly emerging system that supports international cooperation and collaboration on a more "grass-roots" level.
One only look at the last fifty years of the results of the old paradigm of internationalization to see that it is not viable or sustainable. Numerous cases could be cited of both human and natural environment exploitation. Two glaring cases are China and the conditions of human rights and the second is the rainforests in Brazil.
There is a shift occurring that is not visible to the masses because the mainstream media is controlled by corporate interests. This shift, or total paradigm restructuring, is occurring as the old financial and controlling interests are crumbling in the U.S. (including the Federal Reserve Bank) which has been by far the main proponent of internationalization under the corporate model. What will replace these systems are one that are based upon the support and development of nations, places and people with integrity and recognition of individual and community sovereignty.
The interesting thing that can be seen as one steps back and looks at the larger context, with a systems thinking view, is that these interests that have caused all of these "problems" have done all of the hard work of organizing the channels of distribution and communications. One case in point is Rupert Murdock the Australian media mogul who has brought together at least 25,000 news and media outlets (including TV, radio, newspaper and Internet).
Interestingly enough, Wallace D. Wattles predicted this shift to occur in his book "The Science of Getting Rich" that was written one hundred years ago. This is the book that inspired the international phenomena movie and book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.
It is very apparent that the rapidly passing away model of producing and shipping products vast distances is exorbitantly wasteful. And these systems have the most blatant examples of human and environmental exploitation (e.g. food production in California and maquiladoras on the U.S. / Mexico border).
The shift that is occurring and is rapidly expanding is founded upon at least three important principles a) sustainability of economic and social structures, but most importantly the natural environment, b) the phenomena is not blatantly apparent but is what is called "grass-roots" in nature, pockets of people's are coming together in collaboration to essentially, take their lives back, and c) it is apparent that the character of these emerging communities and cooperative efforts are based upon regional models that support revitalization at several scales, and empowerment of people.
Strategic planning, in my view based upon "systems thinking", is an important perspective and approach to bring about these changes with the least amount of systemic disruption. Of course the "powers that were" (I have changed the term "powers that be", because there is incredible power in the words we use), the existing political and financial interests, want us to believe that everything is collapsing. The solutions, in their view, are the ones that they say that they have. But one only needs to look at the performance of these interests, in any country, or the entire world to know they have no solutions.
As it turns out all of the solutions are already with us. Different individuals (and small groups) have shown us that as people get together in the interests of serving people, and to make life more fulfilling that changes can occur - sometimes on a grand scale. (Ghandi, Lincoln, Mother Theresa). I personally interviewed Norman Borlaug who is credited for saving 1 billion people's lives. His simple belief, "people deserve to eat." The Number 1 contributor to his success "young minds".
If we simply follow the guidance of these great teachers, including Jesus, Buddha, and Lao Tsu, we will see! The way is quite apparent that we cannot blindly blaze forward with the past "development models". And our ship captains, essentially self appointed, are crashing the metaphorical boat on the shores of destruction. These "captains" are essentially the dominating financial interests that have had one hundred years at the helm.
The time has arrived for the people's of the world to come together with one heart and know that we have the true power, we always have. What is that power? It's Love! The tools are scattered on the ground at our feet (creativity, cooperation, technology, innovation, Internet, etc.). We need only pick them up and start working together to create the world we all have in our dreams. Of course we need to quit paying attention to the "horror movie" being shown in the mass media. And know that the power system, based upon fear, is absolutely insubstantial compared to the real power - Love!
Internationalization and Strategic Planning
Internationalization has shown to have both positive and negative impacts. Under the past model (which is currently most people's understanding of current affairs), dominated by corporate interests is not not sustainable. However, at the same time the systems of communication and distribution can be utilized to support the rapidly emerging system that supports international cooperation and collaboration on a more "grass-roots" level.
One only look at the last fifty years of the results of the old paradigm of internationalization to see that it is not viable or sustainable. Numerous cases could be cited of both human and natural environment exploitation. Two glaring cases are China and the conditions of human rights and the second is the rainforests in Brazil.
There is a shift occurring that is not visible to the masses because the mainstream media is controlled by corporate interests. This shift, or total paradigm restructuring, is occurring as the old financial and controlling interests are crumbling in the U.S. (including the Federal Reserve Bank) which has been by far the main proponent of internationalization under the corporate model. What will replace these systems are one that are based upon the support and development of nations, places and people with integrity and recognition of individual and community sovereignty.
The interesting thing that can be seen as one steps back and looks at the larger context, with a systems thinking view, is that these interests that have caused all of these "problems" have done all of the hard work of organizing the channels of distribution and communications. One case in point is Rupert Murdock the Australian media mogul who has brought together at least 25,000 news and media outlets (including TV, radio, newspaper and Internet).
Interestingly enough, Wallace D. Wattles predicted this shift to occur in his book "The Science of Getting Rich" that was written one hundred years ago. This is the book that inspired the international phenomena movie and book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.
It is very apparent that the rapidly passing away model of producing and shipping products vast distances is exorbitantly wasteful. And these systems have the most blatant examples of human and environmental exploitation (e.g. food production in California and maquiladoras on the U.S. / Mexico border).
The shift that is occurring and is rapidly expanding is founded upon at least three important principles a) sustainability of economic and social structures, but most importantly the natural environment, b) the phenomena is not blatantly apparent but is what is called "grass-roots" in nature, pockets of people's are coming together in collaboration to essentially, take their lives back, and c) it is apparent that the character of these emerging communities and cooperative efforts are based upon regional models that support revitalization at several scales, and empowerment of people.
Strategic planning, in my view based upon "systems thinking", is an important perspective and approach to bring about these changes with the least amount of systemic disruption. Of course the "powers that were" (I have changed the term "powers that be", because there is incredible power in the words we use), the existing political and financial interests, want us to believe that everything is collapsing. The solutions, in their view, are the ones that they say that they have. But one only needs to look at the performance of these interests, in any country, or the entire world to know they have no solutions.
As it turns out all of the solutions are already with us. Different individuals (and small groups) have shown us that as people get together in the interests of serving people, and to make life more fulfilling that changes can occur - sometimes on a grand scale. (Ghandi, Lincoln, Mother Theresa). I personally interviewed Norman Borlaug who is credited for saving 1 billion people's lives. His simple belief, "people deserve to eat." The Number 1 contributor to his success "young minds".
If we simply follow the guidance of these great teachers, including Jesus, Buddha, and Lao Tsu, we will see! The way is quite apparent that we cannot blindly blaze forward with the past "development models". And our ship captains, essentially self appointed, are crashing the metaphorical boat on the shores of destruction. These "captains" are essentially the dominating financial interests that have had one hundred years at the helm.
The time has arrived for the people's of the world to come together with one heart and know that we have the true power, we always have. What is that power? It's Love! The tools are scattered on the ground at our feet (creativity, cooperation, technology, innovation, Internet, etc.). We need only pick them up and start working together to create the world we all have in our dreams. Of course we need to quit paying attention to the "horror movie" being shown in the mass media. And know that the power system, based upon fear, is absolutely insubstantial compared to the real power - Love!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Regional Revitalization and Empowerment Stategies (RRES)
2011 is the year for Regional Revitalization and Empowerment Strategies.
Empowerment involves helping people to realize their own abilities to be the masters of their own destiny, to make dreams come true. The best toolset I have found so far is Desmond Green's The Practice. It is the first of two books in this book The Global Citizenship Passport. Download it for FREE!
From the Jamaica Self Management Institute
The Regional and Community Empowerment Project – Colombia
By Andrew N. Skadberg, Ph.D.
This abstract was recently accepted for the conference Tourism Progress and Peace. I see the pieces of this puzzle coming together very nicely, as this has been a dedicated effort to develop over the last 22 years. So, in the interests of gaining supporting energies, I am posting this description here to make it known to the world, so to speak. There is much more already written about the details, and the various components are being built and could become a very lengthy blog, but this will provide a nice summary for those who might be curious about what I have been working on for the last 3 years.
No matter what happens I am grateful to Sandy Dhuyvetter of TravelTalkMedia for "lighting this fire". Also, to my friend Desmond Green who is my co-creator of some beautiful opportunities brewing in Jamaica. There are many more to thank, but for the time being this will suffice.
Tourism in Colombia has vast potentials. However, one of the most significant challenges is the stigma of Colombia being a risky place to travel that has been created via mainstream media. Another challenge is shifting the Colombia people’s mindset as they too have been influenced by what some have called a “culture of violence”. The aim of the project currently underway in Colombia is to develop strategies to grow tourism and economic opportunities via what we term “revitalization and empowerment”, which involves diversification and strengthening of regional and community economies. Currently underway is a grass-roots strategy for empowering regions and people to develop tourism and other complimentary industries (e.g. agriculture, arts and music, entrepreneurship). Foundational principles build on creating educational platforms and utilizing individual and community empowerment strategies. An additional imperative is a strong foundation on environmental awareness and protection. To accomplish this multi-faceted approach involves educating people about the criticality of the human-nature relationship, and the utilization of remote-sensing sciences for identifying and ameliorating environmental challenges and threats.
The Regional and Community Empowerment Project (RCEP) is comprised of three primary “Initiatives” 1) Education, 2) Branding/Marketing, and 3) Developing New Technologies.
Initiative I – Education: Creating the Tourism, Agricultural and Community Economic Diversification Institute—the “TACED Institute” for tourism and value-added agricultural technical assistance.
The TACED Institute provides access to information and technical assistance with an entrepreneurial focus. The TACED Institute supports holistic economic development strategies focused on tourism, innovation in agriculture and small business development. Additionally the TACED Institute provides on-site, hands-on training seminars to local “trainers” to create a network of “tech-transfer associates” throughout regions. The initiative partners with regional organizations and businesses to develop educational outreach programs.
Initiative II – Branding/Marketing: “Experience Your Region” regional tourism destination branding (national and internationally marketed). – the actual “brand/trademark” will be developed from the initiative itself.
Regional branding is marketed both nationally and internationally as “Experience Your Region”, as experiential tourism destination(s). The purpose of this initiative is to expand experiential tourism in the region based on existing tourism attractions and those developing, in addition to the existing and developing infrastructure.
Initiative III Developing New Technologies: Supporting both the Education and Marketing aspects of the RCEP are access portals for people and communities in Colombia, and for international travelers to find travel opportunities.
The purpose of these new technologies is to provide: 1) a complete “package” of answers to questions that traveler’s might have, 2) customized information about the places they are/will be traveling, and 3) support for rural communities and small businesses to market themselves. Additional technologies support the creation of a “virtual” university providing practical education tools, including, initially 1) English, 2) tourism, and 3) entrepreneurship. The final element of technology development is the utilization of remote-sensing, and spatial sciences for more effective planning and for creating viable solutions for environmental impacts that are ubiquitous in nearly all places where development has occurred.
Empowerment involves helping people to realize their own abilities to be the masters of their own destiny, to make dreams come true. The best toolset I have found so far is Desmond Green's The Practice. It is the first of two books in this book The Global Citizenship Passport. Download it for FREE!
From the Jamaica Self Management Institute
The Regional and Community Empowerment Project – Colombia
By Andrew N. Skadberg, Ph.D.
This abstract was recently accepted for the conference Tourism Progress and Peace. I see the pieces of this puzzle coming together very nicely, as this has been a dedicated effort to develop over the last 22 years. So, in the interests of gaining supporting energies, I am posting this description here to make it known to the world, so to speak. There is much more already written about the details, and the various components are being built and could become a very lengthy blog, but this will provide a nice summary for those who might be curious about what I have been working on for the last 3 years.
No matter what happens I am grateful to Sandy Dhuyvetter of TravelTalkMedia for "lighting this fire". Also, to my friend Desmond Green who is my co-creator of some beautiful opportunities brewing in Jamaica. There are many more to thank, but for the time being this will suffice.
Tourism in Colombia has vast potentials. However, one of the most significant challenges is the stigma of Colombia being a risky place to travel that has been created via mainstream media. Another challenge is shifting the Colombia people’s mindset as they too have been influenced by what some have called a “culture of violence”. The aim of the project currently underway in Colombia is to develop strategies to grow tourism and economic opportunities via what we term “revitalization and empowerment”, which involves diversification and strengthening of regional and community economies. Currently underway is a grass-roots strategy for empowering regions and people to develop tourism and other complimentary industries (e.g. agriculture, arts and music, entrepreneurship). Foundational principles build on creating educational platforms and utilizing individual and community empowerment strategies. An additional imperative is a strong foundation on environmental awareness and protection. To accomplish this multi-faceted approach involves educating people about the criticality of the human-nature relationship, and the utilization of remote-sensing sciences for identifying and ameliorating environmental challenges and threats.
The Regional and Community Empowerment Project (RCEP) is comprised of three primary “Initiatives” 1) Education, 2) Branding/Marketing, and 3) Developing New Technologies.
Initiative I – Education: Creating the Tourism, Agricultural and Community Economic Diversification Institute—the “TACED Institute” for tourism and value-added agricultural technical assistance.
The TACED Institute provides access to information and technical assistance with an entrepreneurial focus. The TACED Institute supports holistic economic development strategies focused on tourism, innovation in agriculture and small business development. Additionally the TACED Institute provides on-site, hands-on training seminars to local “trainers” to create a network of “tech-transfer associates” throughout regions. The initiative partners with regional organizations and businesses to develop educational outreach programs.
Initiative II – Branding/Marketing: “Experience Your Region” regional tourism destination branding (national and internationally marketed). – the actual “brand/trademark” will be developed from the initiative itself.
Regional branding is marketed both nationally and internationally as “Experience Your Region”, as experiential tourism destination(s). The purpose of this initiative is to expand experiential tourism in the region based on existing tourism attractions and those developing, in addition to the existing and developing infrastructure.
Initiative III Developing New Technologies: Supporting both the Education and Marketing aspects of the RCEP are access portals for people and communities in Colombia, and for international travelers to find travel opportunities.
The purpose of these new technologies is to provide: 1) a complete “package” of answers to questions that traveler’s might have, 2) customized information about the places they are/will be traveling, and 3) support for rural communities and small businesses to market themselves. Additional technologies support the creation of a “virtual” university providing practical education tools, including, initially 1) English, 2) tourism, and 3) entrepreneurship. The final element of technology development is the utilization of remote-sensing, and spatial sciences for more effective planning and for creating viable solutions for environmental impacts that are ubiquitous in nearly all places where development has occurred.
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