Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Foundational Principles of Solomon Source

Solomon Source as a consultancy developed from looking at issues behind environmental degradation that are usually driven by economics, and ignorance of the ultimate costs of environmental destruction. The solution has to do with educating people and providing opportunities for people to get exposure to the wonders of nature, and for them to experience nature in new ways - in the hopes of an awakening of the spirit. To this end the founder of Solomon Source has been on a personal mission to develop solutions that can be adapted and utilized in the current socio-economic paradigms.

Initially, our approach seems to focus on tourism. However, on closer examination, it is apparent that tourism is used as a vehicle for interaction, and a platform to establish opportunities for people to experience the out-of-doors. We used the term "Experiential Tourism" to describe this opportunity space, mainly because there has been so much fragmentation in the tourism industry, with new terms being constantly created (e.g. ecotourism, nature tourism, heritage, shopping, etc). Ultimately it all comes down to experience. Satiating people's curiosity and providing them with meaningful, memorable experiences.

We promote tourism development, within context, while at the same time empowering rural communities and their citizens to expand the economy, creatively and responsibly (especially agricultural). Tourism must be blended and be complimentary to the existing economy. At the same time, careful considerations are made for a holistic approach to protect the environmental, social and cultural characteristics of the communities and the region. We also focus on rural, but it is important to note that a critical relationship exists in what is called the "rural-urban nexus". In short, these two exist in absolute dependence. Rural places provide the food, water, natural resource management and respite from urban life, while the cities utilize the products of the rural places. We have said for some time that "everyone can't live in the city", nor would we want them to. However, if we don't support rural places through policy and through rural and agricultural innovation, we will have even more serious problems than we currently do.

So if you look at Solomon Source, it appears that we do many things. We do. But it is necessary to look at the bigger picture in order to blend these new opportunities into the environment and to advancing humanity. We build teams from our experts, but more importantly we emphasize empowering the local citizenry to be the "masters of their own destiny". Because, at some point in time, our team will go home and the community will need to carry on. So again, the solution is about education, and empowerment.

We are also very excited about how the Internet, and new emerging technologies can support these efforts. It is our opinion that we have barely tapped into the potential, however, we need to remember that these new technologies are only a tool. Ultimately we see tremendous hope for the changes that are happening, people awakening and developing "grass-roots" initiatives and recognizing the urgency of our task - to take care of each other, and the planet.

For more information please drop us an email. If you decide to contact us, please tell us how you found us.

All the best - Andy

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